Attracts by the wave, gets bite by the visual sense

KAITEN is the new type of non body shaking action lure with the screw. Its realistic big body and the small-fish-like wave made by the rear screw attract the bass. Unlike the screw bait that the front and the rear screws make the wave, KAITEN gets hit by its visual sense with the wave attraction. Also, the first fall of the heavy weight bait makes it possible to keep the trace in the 10 meters of water depth and perfect to use in the deep area during the winter. All ranges can be covered from the shallow ranges to the deep range and the bottom areas. Two different materials of propellers are attachable to KAITEN and change the flashing, the noise and the wave power by the screw. Changing propellers depending on the water quality and the weather is effective to the bass differently, same as changing the color of the lure.


※Wave Comparison of KAITE and SCREW BAIT

Count Down & Renge Trace
NS148mm1・3/4oz class

Standard hook Cultiva ST-36BC  front:#2  center:#2  rear:#2


KAITEN (#01 Jya Ayu)

#01 Jya Ayu

KAITEN (#02 Nakahira Ayu)

#02 Nakahira Ayu

KAITEN (#03 Se Ayu)

#03 Se Ayu

KAITEN (#04 Kikyo Ayu)

#04 Kikyo Ayu

KAITEN (#05 Kinokuni Orange)

#05 Kinokuni Orange

KAITEN (#06 Kinokuni Lemon)

#06 Kinokuni Lemon

KAITEN (#07 Waka Ayu)

#07 Waka Ayu

KAITEN (#08 Rainbow Trout)

#08 Rainbow Trout

KAITEN (#09 Amago)

#09 Amago

KAITEN (#10 Ochi Ayu)

#10 Ochi Ayu

KAITEN (#11 Lily White)

#11 Lily White

KAITEN (#15 Real Oikawa)

#15 Real Oikawa