BACRA “Fly” “Dive” “Contact”

BACRA’s three elements, “Flying Distance,” “Diving,” and “Contact” wired vibes system connecting the body and the vibes of BACRA by releasing air and water.

Type Length Weight Range Price
150 63mm 1/2oz class 1.5m -
250 63mm 1/2oz class 2.5m ¥1,750-
400 63mm 1/2oz class 4.0m ¥1,750-

Standard Hook, C’ultiva ST-36BC  Front:#5  Rear:#6

Three Advantages of wired vibes system

① Flying Distance
Putting the air through the gap of the body and the vibe makes the body stable during the cast, which increases the flying distance of the lure.
② Diving
Letting the extra water out from the gap of the body and the vibe during the retrieve makes the body dive quickly. When diving, the water is running through the gap of the body and the vibe, which results in the crankbait keeping its vibration, but minimizing the shake in hooking.
③ Contact
BACRA has an unique avoidance with the obstacle. Letting the water through the gap of the body and the vibe when contacting the obstacle makes the body out of the balance, but keeps the action going.


bacra (#01 Jya Ayu)

#01 Jya Ayu

bacra (#02 Nakahira Shad)

#02 Nakahira Shad

bacra (#03 Kinokuni Buna)

#03 Kinokuni Buna

bacra (#04 Kinokuni Orange)

#04 Kinokuni Orange

bacra (#05 Blue Gill)

#05 Blue Gill

bacra (#06 Kinokuni Lemon)

#06 Kinokuni Lemon

bacra (#07 Flashing Lime)

#07 Flashing Lime

bacra (#08 Tanago)

#08 Tanago

bacra (#09 Dead Fish)

#09 Dead Fish

bacra (#10 Tiger)

#10 Tiger

bacra (#11 Blue Back Lime)

#11 Blue Back Lime

bacra (#12 Ochi Ayu)

#12 Ochi Ayu

bacra (#13 GMチャート)

#13 GM chart

bacra (#14 若鮎)

#14 Waka Ayu

bacra (#15 ウォーターピーチ)

#15 Water Peach

bacra (#16 エビ系)

#16 Ebi Kei

bacra (#17 テチザリ)

#17 Techi Zari

bacra (#18 グラスベリー)

#18 Glass Berry

bacra (#19 チャートヘッドブラック)

#19 Chart Head Black